I like this image because the lights in the myriad rooms behind me feel much like the legions of stories in my head. Each story is like its own little room in which lives are played out in comic and tragic dramatic moments.
My job and my joy is to peek into those rooms and report back to you on what I've seen in hopes that there may be something meaningful or enjoyable for you in the telling.
Where it all started...
From an early age I have been mesmerized by films and stories. Like most kids I relished fairy tales and adventure books, but what truly fascinated me were the great old movies showing on the high end of the UHF dial.

I would sit for hours watching the photo-plays of bygone eras, as well as the many asian genre pictures which played in heavy rotation. Then, all of a sudden films like Jaws and Star Wars and ET awakened me to a whole new world of modern story telling.

From my first experiences sneaking out of the G and PG rated fare I was supposed to be seeing, and into the meatier and more substantial pictures in the adjoining theaters, I was hooked.

Then in highschool I discovered Kurosawa.

I had always been a writer and a voracious reader, but my introduction to great films sparked a flurry of creative production which has yet to abate to this day.

With a successful award winning film under my belt, I'm now in the fortunate position to be able to bring more of my creative ideas to life.